Co-Tenancy Agreement

This Co-Tenancy Agreement is between the following Parties:
Tenant A ___________________________ and Tenant B ___________________________
sharing at the following address _________________________________________________.
Each Party hereby agrees to the following:
I. Duration
This Co-Tenancy Agreement is valid for 1 year from the date of tenancy ___________________________ and ends after the year, unless both parties agree to continue with the tenancy under CASA P.O.W. Project and with approval of the Property __________________________________, and thus it will be valid for the entire duration of the tenancy until termination (see X below).
II. Rent
Out of the total monthly rent of $_____________ and last month deposit $_____________:
Tenant A pays $________________, and Tenant B pays $_________________.
III. Space & Furniture Arrangements
Tenant A _____________________________________________________________________________
Tenant B _____________________________________________________________________________
IV. Utilities
Included with Rent? ________________ If not, fill blanks below:
Total Hydro __________ Tenant A pays __________ Tenant B pays __________
Total Gas __________ Tenant A pays __________ Tenant B pays __________
Telephone __________ Tenant A pays __________ Tenant B pays __________
Other __________ Tenant A pays __________ Tenant B pays __________
V. Food
Shopping Weekly ____ Bi-Weekly ____ Monthly ____ Take turns ____
Total __________ Tenant A pays __________ Tenant B pays __________
VI. Miscellaneous Items
Tenant A ____________________________ Tenant B ____________________________
VII. Housekeeping Duties and Days
Dishwashing: Tenant A ____________________________ Tenant B ____________________________
Laundry: Tenant A ____________________________ Tenant B ____________________________
Dusting/Vacuuming: Tenant A ____________________________ Tenant B ____________________________
Sweeping/Mopping: Tenant A ____________________________ Tenant B ____________________________
Recycling/Garbage: Tenant A ____________________________ Tenant B ____________________________
VIII. Visitors Schedule
Family: Hours ___________________ Daily ___________________ Weekly Monthly Yearly
Friends: Hours ___________________ Daily ___________________ Weekly Monthly Yearly
Others: Hours ___________________ Daily ___________________ Weekly Monthly Yearly
IX. Habits
Smoking: Tenant A ____________________________ Tenant B ____________________________
Alcohol: Tenant A ____________________________ Tenant B ____________________________
Other: Tenant A ____________________________ Tenant B ____________________________
X. Termination
If either Tenant decides to leave, s/he must find a replacement before leaving. But if both Tenants leave, then both must give appropriate notice to Property, Agency and each other.

Copyright 2004 Immortal Investments International

Tenant A Tenant B Agency Witness