People without homes are called 'homeless', which means they are without
shelter, a basic material necessity for humans, such as food, water, and clothing,
in terms of survival.

Homelessness occurs for the following reasons:
Poverty due to unemployment, lack of skills, training, and opportunities, and disabilities
Disasters such as floods, earthquakes, etc.
Lack of Construction of Shelters such as houses, apartments, etc.
Family Break-ups such as divorces, separations, etc.
Mental Illnesses
Spiritual Choices


The solutions to the above reasons for homelessness are provided by various
government, church or private organizations, which deal with the specific
problems. Part of our Project is to network, coordinate and cooperate with them
to provide a whole soution to homelessness and its causes.


CASA P.O.W. is a cooperative solution to homelessness involving: properties
which allot rental spaces to our housing project, government which pays the rent
for qualified clients, the clients themselves who are also potential tenants
agreeing to share rental spaces with other similar tenants and have the rent
cheques mailed directly to the properties offices, the shelters and drop-ins which
temporarily provide housing and food but need help for long-term housing,
organizations and agencies such as job clubs, food banks, clothing and furniture
banks, counseling centers, and our rental agency which will play the middle
person between all of the above.


CASA P.O.W. is an online website which is accessible to anyone with Internet
access. Basically, our primary service is to help the homeless find affordable
solutions to rental housing, particularly those who find it difficult to apply on their

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