This Agreement is between the following parties:
CASA P.O.W. Rental Agency the 3rd party, and
the Owner/Manager of the Rental Property the 1st party _________________________________________,
of the rental space(s) at _________________________________________,
listed with CASA P.O.W.,
and the Tenant(s) of the above
listed rental space the 2nd party ____________________________________________________________________.
Each party hereby agrees to the following:
1. This Agency Agreement is valid for 1 year from the
date of tenancy (please read basic rules) _______________________________ and ends after the year including all
obligations upon the Agency, although
the tenancy will hopefully continue as agreed upon between Owner and Tenant (see Agency's residual terms for
subsequent years);
2. This is only an additional agreement between the 3
parties and does not replace the rental agreement/lease between the
Owner/Manager and Tenant(s), both of which should be respected and followed. Also, read
Tenant Protection Act.;
3. The Tenant's rent shall remain the same and be paid monthly on time either by
mailed cheque(s) to Owner/Manager from the welfare office or by direct deposit
from the Tenant's bank account to the Owner's, and that the Owner/Manager will
provide a monthly receipt to the tenant as proof of payment.
If the tenant had rental history problems, particularly in terms of monthly payments or from
an eviction, a signature from the fourth party in charge of payments, such as a welfare caseworker,
a finance trustee, a bank manager, or stable guarantor may be necessary.
Stopping direct payments can only be done after notifying the Property and Agency
and when the Tenant(s) move out;
4. In case of minor dispute(s) involving the rental space only,
the Agency will offer an initial 3rd party mediation and negotiation meeting, after
a Complaint Form is submitted, with a goal of peaceful compromise between the Tenant and Owner; however
if the dispute remains unresolved and becomes serious, leading to a
possible court case, the Agency can refer legal representation to both
parties, according to our legal associates fees. After the settlement of the dispute, we hope
that the tenancy will continue with both parties in agreement.
Important: the Tenant(s) should write notes at the back of this Agreement,
about the condition of the unit just before moving in, as this can be used
as a reference if there are subsequent disputes about the unit;
5. The Agency is not liable for any damages, insult nor injury caused
by either Tenant or Owner/Manager, to the space(s) nor to their persons and other tenants, and cannot be
sued for compensation in any case;
6. If within the year of the Agreement for the tenancy, the Tenant gains full
employment and no longer needs government assistance, the Agreement remains
binding for the year agreed nevertheless, with the Tenant paying from her/his own account. However, if the
tenant has problems paying rent, then the employer may be contacted for direct payment of rent from
employer to the property owner; and
7. In the event that either or both the Tenant and/or Owner/Manager are dissatisfied with
the tenancy and cannot resolve their differences with our initial mediation and legal referral for
disputes, the Agency will then provide a replacement for a fee (see fees), and a new Agreement
will be signed with the new Tenant(s) which will be valid for a full year.
Property Management |
Agency |
Tenant(s) |
Caseworker or Trustee/Guarantor |
Copyright 2004 Immortal Investments International